Thursday, July 24, 2014

V&A To Help Set Up China’s First Design Museum

V&A To Help Set Up China’s First Design Museum
HONG KONG — The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London has announced that it will help to set up the Shekou Museum, China’s first design museum in the city of Shenzhen, due to open in late 2016.
Designed by leading Japanese firm Maki and Associates and jointly staffed by V&A and local professionals, the museum will be a collaborative effort between the world-renowned design museum and China Merchants Group. This agreement is the first to be signed between one of China’s most influential companies and a British public institution.
Situated on a picturesque waterfront site in Shenzhen’s Shekou district, the museum will be located within a larger development called the Shenzhen Sea World Cultural Arts Center, which is also being designed by Maki and Associates and is currently under construction.
The V&A will take on an advisory role to the Shekou Museum, providing assistance with collection development and professional training for senior staff. In terms of curatorial expertise, a senior curator from the V&A will assume a three-year post based in Shenzhen as head of the partnership. In addition, the new museum will house a V&A gallery that will showcase curated exhibitions of works from the V&A’s home collection. 
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